Using Chair Yoga While Regaining Your Health

Dr. Samuels gratefully recognizes her colleague, Lisa Diers, R.D., L.D., E-RYT, Director of Nutrition Services and Yoga Manager at The Emily Program, based in Minnesota, located throughout the U.S. Lisa has been teaching yoga as a cornerstone of The Emily Program’s treatment of eating disorders and has developed a Yoga Teacher Training specifically for yoga during recovery from eating disorders. She collaborated with Lisa in offering these modifications of “standing poses” when one medically requires the support of your chair!


Yoga and the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Dr. Samuels will describe how to integrate your yoga practice into eating disorder recovery. She will remind you the ways it can be of particular benefit during every stage of the recovery process. Specifics will be described to find the best yoga class, teacher, environment to support you along your journey reclaiming health and a more peaceful relationship caring for your body, self and spirit.

This content is to be used for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, nutritional or fitness advice, diagnosis, therapy or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have prior to starting any new diet, exercise regimen or any question you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, seen or heard on the website.



The Power of One

In this discussion, Karen shares a letter of recovery from a therapist who treats eating disorders written to one of their long time patients. This moving letter describes the idea of the “Power of One.”

The impactful messages in this letter remind us that making lifelong change is a journey through many challenges and requires patience and practice. We find ourselves inspired to remember how the practice of yoga – like any healing journey in life – requires showing up time after time. “Do your practice and all is coming” is the yogic mantra that parallels the “Power of One.”